A caveat, my 3-star rating is of the app itself, not Mark or LevinTV, those 2 things are 5 stars every time.
I love Mark, and I promise you this: You will learn more from an hour of Mark than spending a month watching the drive-by media. I am an early LevinTV adopter, got it on day 1. I feel with 2 simple changes ( well, 1 is simple, the other is a bit tougher I think) this app, and the LevinTV service, should be THE place to go for relevant discussion and analysis of current events as well as deep insight to our countrys founding and our collective roots. That said, here are my 2 pain points:
1. No landscape mode - granted this is more of an annoyance in the iPad, but still.
2. Video progress persistence - Im not usually able to watch a full episode in 1 sitting so I have to load it back up and finish different points during the day. Most times when I come back to the app it refreshes and I lose my place in the video and it starts over. I would argue that the modern consumer has the expectation that a video service will work like Netflix. Such is not the case here, which makes it a frustration when trying to finish an episode.
I know they were working hard to get the iOS app out, but these 2 things are pretty standard in terms of modern app design and functionality, especially with a video service app. If they can work on those 2 things this app goes to 5 stars immediately.
All that said, even despite its flaws, it is still worth the price of admission to subscribe to LevinTV, you will come out far more educated on the things that matter than just about anyone else you run in to, and in todays political climate, its more important to be well informed than ever.
ChandyPants about BlazeTV: Pro-America